Chip cards

Safe sterilisation, no manipulation, process safety

Chip cards are part of the Memmert Generation 2003 equipment. If you need further information on how to program profiles, read out logs or activate the User-ID function with Generation 2012 appliances please see here.

Memmert appliances with the Perfect controller class are equipped by default with an internal card reader. Three different chip cards guarantee additional safety during sterilisation, greater protection from manipulation as well as higher process safety and more extensive options for programming and documentation through storing repeatable temperature profiles.

The MEMoryCard XL: more process safety

MEMoryCard – for Memmert devices of the perfect class

Each Memmert appliance of the Perfect class comes as standard with a chip card on which temperature profiles can be stored and logged. On the MEMoryCard, a temperature profile file with up to 40 ramps can be stored and re-used later as often as you want. This helps to support process safety, as well as optimised use of personnel in the laboratory. While the programme is running, the actual values are automatically logged on the card and can be displayed and archived in a data processing system via the device interface or an external card reader.

The User-ID-card: greater protection from manipulation

User ID-Card for Memmert devices

Each User- ID- card (optional) is unique due to the 128-bit encryption in conjunction with the equipment serial number, and an individual personal identification number, and prevents undesired manipulation by third parties. The menu operation on the Memmert appliance is only released when this personalised chip card is inserted into the card reader. If the appliance is used by several people, a separate User- ID- Card may be purchased for each user, of course.

The STERICard: More safety during sterilisation

Additional safety during sterilisation

For the incubator of the INP Perfect class, for the INCO CO2 incubator and for the HCP humidity chamber, a chip card for absolutely safe sterilisation is included in the delivery. This guarantees safe and fully automatic sterilisation (and not only disinfection) of the interior. For safety reasons, this function can only be started with the STERICard, and is used not for the sterilisation of loads, but exclusively for the sterilisation of the interior. During the sterilisation procedure, menu operation of the appliance is suspended, so that no accidental reprogramming is possible.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.

Case Studies

Let us take you into the fascinating world of Memmert appliances, which we have collected on our user platform.

Precise tempering of industrial plasticine

Alongside CAD, computer projection and augmented reality, car designers still use a very traditional method to bring their designs to life. Clay, an industrial plasticine, is heated and stored in a precise and thermally safe clay oven, producing life-size models.