
Zoveel meer dan een certificaat aan de muur

Kwaliteitsoptimalisatie en kwaliteitscontrole maken deel uit van alle procedures in ontwikkeling, constructie, productie en sales bij Memmert. Een productieproces dat zo veel mogelijk gestandaardiseerd is en een volledige functioneringstest zijn slechts 2 cruciale maatregelen die ervoor zorgen dat het klachtenpercentage ver onder de 1% ligt.

Uiteraard is Memmert gecertificeerd volgens DIN EN ISO 9001 en richtlijnen 93/42/EEC, addendum II,  en als  één van de weinige firma’s  in de branche ook volgens DIN EN ISO 13485 voor de toestellen erkend als medisch hulpmiddel (m).

Additioneel ondersteunen we de kwaliteitsprocedures van onze klanten met een reeks diensten en functies op de toestellen : duidelijk documenteren van testprocedures, FDA-compliant en niet-manipuleerbare software, IQ/OQ certificatie en regelmatige kalibratie om er een paar te noemen..


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.

Case Studies

Let us take you into the fascinating world of Memmert appliances, which we have collected on our user platform.

Precise tempering of industrial plasticine

Alongside CAD, computer projection and augmented reality, car designers still use a very traditional method to bring their designs to life. Clay, an industrial plasticine, is heated and stored in a precise and thermally safe clay oven, producing life-size models.