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Bedrijf met traditie

Meer dan 65 jaar ervaring in ontwikkeling van ovens – van professionals voor professionals

Al drie generaties lang ontwikkelt en produceert Memmert  ovens  en water- en oliebaden in twee vestigingen in het zuiden van Duitsland voor een variatie aan applicaties in verschillende sectoren zoals:
  • industrieel materiaal – en componentenonderzoek
  • biologie, chemie en voedingsresearch
  • gevarieerde testen in gesofisticeerde  productieprocessen
  • geneeskunde en veterinaire geneeskunde

Het departement R&D staat in nauw contact met eindgebruikers. Zo kunnen ze technische innovaties en nieuwe concepten aftoetsen aan de praktijk.

Voor persoonlijk advies, een antwoord op al uw vragen omtrent gebruik, onderhoud of herstelling, kan u steeds bij ons terecht. ( info@memmert.be

In meer als 190 landen wereldwijd staan al decennia lang, honderdduizenden Memmert toestellen in permanent gebruik. Dit maakt Memmert een wereldspeler op vlak van thermische apparatuur.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.


Memmert industrie

Storing sensitive sensors in a climate chamber with a maximum temperature deviation of 0.2 K? Reducing your process times during vacuum drying to an optimum? Ensuring interruption-free long-term testing? Running experiments with defined air exchange rates? Our industrial applications special introduces suitable appliances as well as case studies.

Case Studies

Let us take you into the fascinating world of Memmert appliances, which we have collected on our user platform.

Precise tempering of industrial plasticine

Alongside CAD, computer projection and augmented reality, car designers still use a very traditional method to bring their designs to life. Clay, an industrial plasticine, is heated and stored in a precise and thermally safe clay oven, producing life-size models.